I fed peanut butter and jelly sandwiches to four bears – Albert, Teddy, Cherry Bomb, and Blossom!
✏️ tech writer ✈️ traveler
✨ theme park nerd ⛲️ theater fan
⭐️ photographer ⚔️ cosplayer
♟️ WoW, MMO, retro gamer ⌨️ blogger
⚡️Greek myth lover ✉️ postcard trader
Instagram: @theuser
Themed accounts:
- @freddie.big.whiskers (my cat)
- @pizzaday
- @nombetter (cooking)
- @sushihour
- @letsgettea
Personal: WebPageless
MMO: Kor’kron 501st
Gaming: Polygons and Pixels
Education: B.S. in Computer Science and Engineering and minor in Classical Civilization from UC Irvine.
Email me at (Peter) @webpageless.net.